torsdag 10 maj 2012

Beginning with a wall of text.

Have you ever been so tired of life, people, emotions, your own living, money or whatever that you feel like crawling in under a rock and just die?
Well, welcome to the club is all i can say, My name is M and I am a swedish 30 year old single male who is so tired of living this kind of life that I'm actively trying to find a way to escape it all.
And finally after many years of contemplating i think i have actually found a way to make my escape.
I am 30 years old, I cannot for the life of it seem to hang on to a job, even tho I'm a very social and hard working person, I allso care a lot about other people, perhaps a little bit to much, because mostly I cannot be bothered to care for myself.
And i honestly believe it is because i tend to waste all my energy on other people before ever thinking on myself.
I am allso a person who is extremely good at starting different projects that i never finish, I get bored about 20 minutes after i start doing... well, ANYTHING!
But the one thing i have managed to keep my interest for during all the years that have slipped between my fingers is wildlife (or as you would most likely call it, bushcrafting).
I spent about 10 years in the scouts as a groupleader during my younger years and it simply just stuck with me.
So even after quitting the scouts (and i cannot for the life of me remember why i quit) I just kept going, i just kept sleeping outdoors, making my own shelters, purifying my own water, cooking my own meat and so on. (on my free time that is, not permanently).
I allso managed to start shooting compound bow wich i find just as amusing as the wildlife part.
But as usual in my life every good thing allso has a bad side to it, since i enjoyed shooting my bow i had to sell it in order to pay for my bills, and the wildlife part has had to stand aside for work just in order for me to live and have a roof over my head.
I have never been abroad, I don't have a drivers license and in fact i think i have absolutely nothing of value besides the computer I'm sitting at right now.
And even tho these thoughts have been with me for many years, I actually started thinking about "Leaving" just a couple of months ago.
And my thoughts are quite simple actually, why do i have to work just to have a roof over my head doing something i utterly loathe?, why does people keep collecting shit they don't need?, why does only the people that allready have the funds actually get any money, why is it classified as poaching to shoot a deer if I am hungry?, why can't i build my own home? and so on, and so on.
Well, the answer is simple, I have to work for a cheap roof over my head because that's just the way society works today.
People collect shit they don't need because they are missing something in their life without actually knowing what it is.
People that allready have money get richer because they have the funds to actually keep a sort of control over you in order for yu to not make more money than them.
I cannot shoot a deer if i'm hungry because of the same reason i cannot build my own home, because some rich snob "owns" it/the land.
How the fuck can you actually own land or animals?, something we have all shared and lived off for thousands of years.
And it all comes down to one simple fact... Money.
And preferably alot more than you need as well.
And I am fucking tired of it, tired of it all to be honest.
I honestly do not want to live my life like this, i do not want to live my life as a shallow person just buying stuff in an endless search for happiness wich is by nature doomed to fail.
I do not want to live life without apreciating the little things.
And i most certainly do not want to live life in this kind of stress that we all face every damn day.
I want to feel that my stress is genuine, my stress is because i missed my shot with my bow wich means i won't be eating tonight, not because i can't afford Diablo 3 on my pc.
my stress will be wether or not I'm gonna have to share my meal with a grizzly or not...

So, a combination of several different things actually opened up my eyes as to what i am supposed to do.
First i started watching bear grylls vs the wild for some slight amusement.
I then started watching survivorman allso for some slight amusement.
I then found out about a man named Ray mears and watched all of his shows.
I then bought a couple of Ray mears books and read them.
And then the thought struck me, why not me?
I too wanna go abroad and try shit out...
But the fact is i want to take it a step further, i want to LIVE in the wild not just run out and film it for a couple of days, but actually LIVE IN IT.
Make my own home in a nice little spot of wilderness and god damn live there, live of the land.
So, why am I writing this?
Well, that is just as simple, if you just run into the wild without equipment you are bound to die a quick and most likely quite gruesome death.
If you go prepared your chances are a lot higher even tho you might still die during the goals i have set.
But preparing means buying all sorts of equipment, plane tickets, and all kind of preparations (including a dental renovation before going).
I have a younger brother named S willing to go with me on this adventure, but the fact is we need two things, a couple more likeminded people willing to come with us and risk their lives, and we need money.
Neither of wich we actually have to be honest, in about a years time i will be spotless enough to maybe manage in getting a bank loan that i can take out in cash and use for this endeavor, but to be honest i would prefer not to leave any traces what so ever behind me as i "flee" this world with my brother and maybe a couple of likeminded people.
And that includes a giant loan wich i will be imprisoned for, for not paying back if i would ever manage or want to come back.

The plan is as follows, make our way to Canada using a one way ticket.
Getting as far away from civilization as we possibly can.
Finding a good spot to actually make into our home.
And then live of the land, and the land ONLY (including hunting animals of course).
Spend AT LEAST 1-2 full year/s in the canadian wild while avoiding civilization completely.
IF and WHEN we come back, release a book containing all the tales and pictures from our experiences in the wild.

We will be back with more info shortly, and if you happen to stumble over this page, then PLEASE share it to as many people as you can, and don't hesitate to leave a comment as well.

P.S. I reckon that, if a computer game can get a funding of hundreds and thousands of dollars trough a kickstart project, then we should be able to reach our goal of about what?, 30-40 thousand dollars?, no?
Allso, the reason for us not typing out our entire names would obviously be because i don't think anyone in our familys would apreciate the fact that we will most likely die trying, they simply cannot grasp the concept of dying happily at a young age i believe.

with kind regards: M & S.

P.P.S. More info follows, most likely tomorrow.

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